Kyle Crowden: Found




Kyle Crowden, 27, set off on a day hike to the Dry Creek Trail, north of Boise Idaho on Feb. 9, 2019 but never returned. He knew this trail very well and often hiked it with friends and family. His car was found parked at the trailhead. Search crews scoured the area but were hindered by heavy snow and freezing temperatures. Crowden was described as an experienced hiker, but planned on a short day hike and had not brought supplies or equipment to spend a significant amount of time outdoors in the bitterly cold weather.

Cathy Tarr spoke with Kyle’s mother, Janet. Tarr was heavy hearted when she heard Kyle’s family were planning to search for Kyle within 2 weeks of that call. “No mother should see her son that way.”

A week after that call, and six weeks after he went missing, Kyle was found by a hunter 30 feet from the trail. He was five miles from his car in a ravine near a water source under a tree.

Kyle’s last picture was timestamped at 5:20 pm.  His Fitbit shows he stopped walking at 7:09 pm.

From Kyle’s mother

Kyle loved hiking and none of us ever dreamed he would be lost in his element.

Kyle’s day hike was personally photographed by him with no evidence of an issue. In such a short time, the weather turned and he was overcome by a severe snowstorm. As his mom, I would like to remind hikers to be prepared. Let someone know where you are going and when you should return. Take an emergency beacon/tracker to get help if an emergency occurs. Almost 2 years after my son passed, I am still in disbelief and crying daily. Kyle’s 2 brothers and sister are reeling from the loss of him. I certainly would encourage everyone to follow their passion, to include hiking. If Kyle’s story can save one life, or make a person choose to take weather more seriously, then God Bless that one who isn’t lost.

Janet Coupe

Kyle’s mother, brother’s and sister

Kyle’s mother, brother’s and sister